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Core Functions


export function ivue<T extends AnyClass>(
  className: T,
  ...args: InferredArgs<T>
): IVue<T>;

Core ivue(className, ...args) initializer is able to infer and validate the constrcutor argument types of AnyClass and passes those arguments to the constructor of AnyClass internally.

ivue(className, arg1, arg2, arg3...) allows you to pass any number of arguments into the class constructor(arg1, arg2, arg3...)

ivue() initializer function returns an extended Vue 3 reactive() object in which getters and setters are internally converted to computeds and adds .toRefs() method to the created object. Computeds auto-unwrap themselves when they are accessed as a reactive object property, so the .value properties and computeds get flattened in the resulting object and do not require .value to be accessed.

ivue() replicates native JavaScript / TypeScript class implementation by extending descriptors (getters and setters) up the whole prototype ancestors chain thus supporting classical inheritance.

Returns: <IVue<T>> or ivue reactive() object of an AnyClass class with flattened (de-Refed) Refs and ComputedRefs as properties.


Is simply an alias to Vue 3 ref() function but casts the type to the internal unreactive type, because properties auto-unwrap in reactive() object that is being created by ivue upon initialization.


Is simply an alias Vue 3 shallowRef() function but casts the type to the internal unreactive type, because properties auto-unwrap in reactive() object that is being created by ivue upon initialization.


This function unwraps the type of any composable return to the bare values without .value, because properties auto-unwrap in reactive() object that is being created by ivue upon initialization.

Core Methods


Native Class API .constructor() is mainly used to assign and cast Vue 3 Refs back to their original types. .constructor() should not be used to work with reactive state. Use .init() for reactive purposes.


.init() method is auto-run on ivue() initialization after .constructor() is run. .init() has access to the reactive state of the object via this.


.init() method has no arguments and you should never need to run this method manually.


Use async init() if you need await functionality.

Returns: void | Promise<void>


function toRefs(props?: (keyof InstanceType<T>)[]): IVueRefs<InstanceType<T>>;

Converts an ivue object to a Vue 3 Composable with nested refs.

You can pass the name of the properties to .toRefs(properties)

const { width, height } = ivue(Box).toRefs(['width', 'height']);

This improves performance if box has many other properties that we do not need.

Returns: IVueRefs<InstanceType<T>>

Core Types



Utility Functions


export function propsWithDefaults<T extends VuePropsObject>(
  defaults: Record<string, any>,
  typedProps: T
): VuePropsWithDefaults<T>;

Combines statically written defaults object with the runtime type definition of Vue 3 props.

Returns: VuePropsWithDefaults<T>

Utility Types

Extracts and unwraps (de-Refs) the real types of Vue 3 composable definition to make it compatible with ivue.


Extracts types of the default types definition. This type can be used to validate against the actual defaults definition to make sure both definitions are in sync.


Extracts types of a runtime emits declaration.


Allows you to extend slots of a given slot interface.