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ivue ∞ Infinite Vue Documentation


ivue ∞ Infinite Vue is a class based composable architecture for Vue 3, that unlocks infinite scalability for Vue 3 based apps. It allows you to extend the regular Vue 3 in a simple and elegant Object Oriented way.

ivue is

∞  Simple like Options API
∞  Flexible like Composition API
∞  Extensible like TypeScript Class API
∞  Robust, Minimal, Opaque & Unobtrusive
∞  100% VSCode / Intellij IDE Autocomplete Intellisence
∞  100% Vue 3 Compatible
∞  100% Test Covered
∞  100% Type Safe
∞  Production Ready
∞  Just 1.1kb gzipped!


—  Extensible Classes using JavaScript / TypeScript native Class API
—  Can be used as a Global Store and a ViewModel for Components
—  Enhances Extensibility of Props Defaults, Props, Slots
—  Improves DX by elegantly dealing with .value
—  Allows for Fully Extensible Component Architecture
—  Extends Vue 3 TypeScript Capability
—  Zero dependencies except Vue 3


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